Welcome to Röreviken

This information is for those who live in Röreviken. By drawing your attention to our residential area’s common rules, traditions and the services of the surroundings, we believe that we create the conditions for well-being, mutual respect and community.


Welcome to Röreviken, a west coast gem on the shores of the Hakefjord! Here you will find secluded relaxation close to the sea and forest, but at the same time with a comfortable distance to the services of larger communities. When the area was formed, there was a reed bay (hence the place name Röreviken, reed=pipe), pasture with easier paths that were given new company by primitive summer cottages with water from their own well and outhouse. For a long time, Röreviken was a relatively unknown area for many permanent residents in the STO region, but over time all the advantages of living here were discovered! Nowadays, we have more year-round residents than holiday homes, and the standard of both properties and facilities has been significantly upgraded.

Rörevikens vägförening, later Samfällighetsförening, was formed in connection with a cadastral procedure in 1966. The community association includes a beach area, a boat pier and some green areas within the plan area – so-called red-marked areas (see the map). The management applies regardless of who owns the land and includes all roads, including the hard shoulder. These areas are particularly marked on the map. They are to be managed in accordance with what has been determined at the time of formation and at general meetings as purposes and common interests.

Our road network

Röreviken Samfällighet is responsible for the maintenance of our approximately two-kilometre-long road and traffic safety on these roads is one of our main common interests in the area. Several decisions have therefore been made with the aim of increasing road safety, increasing accessibility and protecting our roads from unnecessary damage. Therefore:

  • The maximum permitted speed in the entire area is 20 km/h. Road humps are designed as a reminder where the road invites you to speed up.
  • To enable meetings on our sometimes narrow roads, a number of meeting places have been built.
  • The maximum permissible gross weight of vehicles is 26 tonnes. The maximum limit of 26 tonnes has been chosen so that normal deliveries with distribution trucks and garbage trucks can pass through without extra measures. To handle heavier transports such as gravel deliveries, concrete trucks or the transport of blasted rock, transport with a cassette solution can take place with reloading outside the area.
  • Track-bound vehicles must always be driven with protective discs on the asphalt road (also applies to unloading and manoeuvring).
  • Heavy transport must be avoided completely at times of spring thaw and on hot summer days when the asphalt is soft.
  • Prior to work with the majority of heavy transports, property owners should contact the board for information and consultation on how this is best done.
  • In the event that damage to the road network occurs after these rules have not been followed, compensation for repairs will be demanded from the responsible property owner.

Parking and guest parking in the area.

To promote traffic safety, accessibility and good road standards, parking is prohibited along all our roads. For parking of cars, boats, trailers, caravans and other private property, please refer to your own land. In cases where you have guests visiting whose cars do not fit on your own land, it is possible to use the guest parking available in the area (see map). Free parking is available there for 24 hours.

Maintenance responsibilities

Every year, two, often three, working days are organized where we help each other to take care of our beach and land areas so that they do not become overgrown and we ensure that our roads are in good condition. For many years, we have had a practice whereby every property owner is expected to clear the roadsides adjacent to their own property.


  • Spring Clearing                                 First Saturday in May.
  • Summer clearing                             Saturday before the Annual General Meeting
  • Autumn clearing                                                           First Saturday in November on even week

The exact dates can be found on the website: https://www.roreviken.se/viktiga-datum/

Snow removal

The service is currently procured by Myggenäs gård.

In some places, there are sandboxes exposed. These are intended to be used for de-icing when normal snow removal and chipping are insufficient (see map).

Boat pier

The berths are registered on each property with Lantmäteriet. The pier is managed by the properties that have a share in the pier. The size of the annual fee is determined by the width of the berth.

A sketch of the bridge can be found on the website.


In Röreviken we have a common playground that has been invited to play for 20 years (see map). The playground is managed by the association and is intended for its members.

The entire beach strip is also included in the community’s management responsibility and at our bathing area there is the opportunity for social gathering, sunbathing and swimming. The place has something for both young and old and you can get to the beach with both a stroller and a wheelchair. From the beach, you can also go out on the ”Strandpromenaden” (see map), which is a walking trail that runs along the beach. The road is not handicapped accessible, but with the help of footbridges and stairs you can get around dry-shod all year round. You choose if you want to take the short loop, or if you choose to take the further climb up into and through Röreviken’s forest.

Please note that our beach area is subject to every man’s rights. The right of public access makes it free to hike, cycle, canoe, pick berries and camp almost anywhere you want, as long as you do not disturb or destroy. However, keep in mind that dogs should be prevented from running loose in our area, especially during the period 1 March to 20 August, in order to protect the wild animals during the most sensitive time when the animals have their young.

Walking paths in the area

Neighbourhood watch

The goal of Neighbourhood Watch is to reduce crime and to increase security and thus also the well-being of our residential area. This is achieved by us residents cooperating, supporting and helping each other and at the same time having a good awareness of what is happening in the area and, if necessary, having contact with the police. Neighbourhood watch also provides an opportunity for increased knowledge about risks, how to prevent damage and how to protect one’s living environment against crime.

There are several designated contact persons in Röreviken. Contact the board to get the names of contact persons in your area.

Community services near Röreviken

Shops: Almö Livs in Myggenäs and ICA Nära in Höviksnäs

Pharmacy: Almö Livs

Health centre: Närhälsan Kållekärr or Capio Almö

Bus stop: Down at the entrance to the area. Direct bus to Gothenburg or Stenungsund

Commuter parking: At Myggenäs crossroads.

Preschool: Myggenäs and Höviksnäs

School, Primary school: Myggenäs and Frida’s hage, Höviksnäs

School Secondary School: Häggvallsskolan

Gymnasium: Nösnäs Stenungsund

Swimming pool: Stenungsund arena

Ice rink: Rönnäng ice rink and Stenungsund arena

Football ground: IFK Valla, Fjällebrovallen

Library: Häggvallsskolan

Waste sorting and composting

For us in Röreviken, the same rules apply as for the rest of Tjörn:

  • Food waste and residual waste are placed in the right waste bin at your property.
  • Packaging and newspapers are disposed of at recycling stations.
  • Other bulky waste is left at the recycling centre.


Waste sorting guide


Recycling center – Heås





”Rörevikens Samfällighet”


E-mail address to the board of the community: styrelsen@roreviken.se

NOTE: Remember to pass on relevant parts of this information to those who visit your property, including guests, tenants and craftsmen.